What can we help you with today?
View our frequently asked questions
View filing and search quick guides and other resources
View step-by-step instructions on how to gain filing access
General Help
Information about SEDAR+, getting started, system FAQ, transitioning to SEDAR+, searching and SEDAR+ rule and forms
User & Organization
Learn how to setup and update user and organization accounts, and how to manage usernames and passwords
Information about the different kinds of profiles in SEDAR+, how to create, maintain and view profiles, profile authority and the reporting issuers list
Information about how to complete a filing and view and maintain it after submission
Fees, Payments and Refunds
Information about payments and refunds, including managing Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) accounts
Regulatory Action
Information about searching the Disciplined list (DL) or Cease trade orders (CTO), viewing regulatory actions on a profile and subscribing to DL/CTO email notifications