- This course covers how to file a Continuous Disclosure-type filing using an Annual Financial Statement as a representative example.
- Pre-requisite: Maintain Your User Account is strongly recommended. Additionally, relevant Access and Profile Management courses are recommended if filers are involved in User/Org. or Profile setup.
- Audience: Filers
- Runtime: 8 mins.
- Course Code: FIL-02
- This course covers how to file a Continuous Disclosure-type filing using a representative example.
- Pre-requisite: Maintain Your User Account is strongly recommended. Additionally, relevant Access and Profile Management courses are recommended if filers are involved in User/Org. or Profile setup.
- Audience: Filers
- Runtime: 9 mins.
- Course Code: FIL-03
- This foundational course covers key concepts regarding the creation of filings for Investment Funds and Investment Fund Groups.
- Pre-requisite: Authority and Profile Management Concepts and other courses on Profiles if filers are involved in creating/maintaining profiles
- Audience: Filers
- Runtime: 10 mins.
- Course Code: PRO-03/FIL-01
- This course covers how to file a non-Investment Fund Securities Offering-type filing using a representative example.
- Pre-requisite: Maintain Your User Account is strongly recommended. Additionally, relevant Access and Profile Management courses are recommended if filers are involved in User/Org. or Profile setup.
- Audience: Filers
- Runtime: 15 mins.
- Course Code: FIL-04
- This course covers how to file a Investment Fund Securities Offering-type filing using a representative example.
- Pre-requisite: Working with Investment Fund and IFG Profiles and Filings
- Audience: Filers
- Runtime: 18 mins.
- Course Code: FIL-05
- This course covers how to file a Third-Party-type filing (resale of securities) using a representative example.
- Pre-requisite: Maintain Your User Account is strongly recommended. Additionally, relevant Access and Profile Management courses are recommended if filers are involved in User/Org. or Profile setup.
- Audience: Filers
- Runtime: 12 mins.
- Course Code: FIL-06