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Create or Modify your SEDAR+ Financial Documents Email Alerts Subscription

Sign up for email alerts of financial disclosure documents. 

Anyone can sign up for an email alert to receive links to financial documents from up to 50 companies by providing an email address and subscription preferences. 
Note that at a later date, this email alert service will be expanded to provide alerts for financial documents from investment fund issuers. 

From the SEDAR+ home page, click on the ‘Subscribe to financial document alerts’ button under the ‘Sign up for email alerts of financial disclosure documents section.
Enter your email address in the provided field then select ‘Confirm my email’. You will receive an email containing a confirmation code to enter to confirm your email address. Check your spam folder if you have not received the email within one minute. Ensure that you keep the sign up page open until you receive and enter the code.  If the page is closed before the confirmation code is entered you will need to repeat the process. You may then proceed to indicate your subscription preferences. Your email address can only be used for one subscription; to modify your existing subscription, please select ‘manage email alerts’.   

In the ‘Search for companies’ field, enter the name of the company and select the desired company profile link. You may add 49 additional companies by selecting ‘add another’, until you have selected a maximum of 50 companies. In the ‘Financial documents’ field, you can select either ‘All documents’ or ‘Specific documents’. Note that the document option you select will apply to all companies identified.  

If you select ‘Specific documents’, the options to choose from can be any or all of ‘Annual financial statements’, ‘Annual MD&A’, ‘Interim financial statements/reports’, ‘Interim MD&A’. 

The list of associated documents for each selection is:

Financial documentsAssociated documents
Annual Financial Statements 
  • Audited annual financial statements – English 
  • Audited annual financial statements – French 
  • Cover letter 
  • Audited annual financial statements (amended) – English 
  • Audited annual financial statements (amended) – French 

Annual MD&A  


  • Annual MD&A – English 
  • Annual MD&A – French 
  • Cover letter 
  • Annual MD&A (amended) – English 
  • Annual MD&A (amended) – French 

Interim Financial Statements/Report  


  • Interim financial statements/report – English 
  • Interim financial statements/report – French 
  • Cover letter 
  • Interim financial statements/report (amended) – English 
  • Interim financial statements/report (amended) – French 
Interim MD&A 
  • Interim MD&A – English 
  • Interim MD&A – French 
  • Cover letter 
  • Interim MD&A (amended) – English 
  • Interim MD&A (amended) – French 

Make your selections and then select ‘Submit’. If a company that you selected files a financial document, you will receive an email alert that contains a link to the document. Email alerts are sent at 8pm ET.  

Once you have subscribed, you can modify your subscription preferences, change your email address or unsubscribe. From the SEDAR+ home page, click on the ‘Manage email alerts’ button. After modifying your subscription preferences or cancelling your subscription, you will receive an automatic confirmation email.  

If you cancel your subscription, your subscription record is removed from SEDAR+. You can re-subscribe at any time. 

SEDAR+ will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance from 6:00 a.m. ET on September 21 to 6:00 a.m. ET on September 22.
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