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Apply and Maintain User Permissions

Permissions control the actions that users can perform within the application, including their ability to create and modify other users, as well as the ability to work and perform actions relevant to their role in the organization. Furthermore, permissions control the ability to work with filings and the ability to make payments. As an Authorized Super User of an organization, you can manage users and the permissions those users have, provided you have appropriate authority to do so.

To begin, search the users in your organization. For more information, click on the following link to the Search SEDAR+ page which has a section Searching Users. When viewing the search results, click on the name of the user to be modified. At the bottom of the ‘View authorized user details’ page, click the link ‘Maintain user account.’ Within the ‘Maintain user details’ page, you can update the role (Authorized Super User or Authorized User) as well as the user permissions or security groups that user has within the organization.


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